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"Parmesan is the best cheese in the world" - Bartolomeo Scappi 1570

Locanda Scappi is run by our small Italian-Finnish bunch, led by restaurant manager Francesco Cereda and head chefs Simone Portas & Stefano Mancusi. Most of our workers have worked and befriended each other at London's Bocca di Lupo restaurant, where our trio also met.

Our crew learned their skills in an environment where everyone knows the story behind all the products and where everything is made from scratch. Where everyone’s hands are covered in flour and smell like garlic.


The support of a family-like work environment has been important for our people while being far away from home. We want to bring that spirit to Katajanokka - a large, loud Italian-Finnish family that shares know-how and develops together. Loyal customers greeted by their names, traditional Italian classics, early mornings and late evenings, this is what Locanda Scappi is all about.

The restaurant has been named after a famous Italian chef, Bartolomeo Scappi. He wrote one of the world's first cookbooks (Opera dell'arte del cucinare) in 1570, where he presented over 1000 different recipes, with different cooking techniques and equipment. Besides all this, Scappi’s book was the first cookbook that included pictures. In it’s pages parmesan is declared as the best cheese in the world and there is a detailed explanation about how a perfect kitchen should look like. This is the kind of passion that we want to bring to Locanda Scappi’s kitchen as well!

Simone Portas

Stefano Mancusi

Francesco Cereda

See you soon!
When life gives you lemons make Limoncello!

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